Sunday, April 28, 2024

Worst movies to see on a first date

A while back, a coworker and I talked about the worst movies we had seen on first dates. Not worst as in objectively bad, but movies that one should not see on a date with someone you barely know and whom you are trying to build rapport with because these movies will ruin whatever connection you are trying to build.

My pick was Let the Sunshine In, described to my date and me as a French romantic comedy that I found neither romantic nor funny (I have my doubts about the French part). We had planned to see To Kill a Mockingbird, but after driving through heavy rain - the kind so thick, you can't see past the hood of your car - and waiting for my date to arrive, I learned that screening was full (it was a free screening, and she and I had an appreciation for older films). 

This was at the Drexel, an independent theater in Bexley near Columbus, Ohio, and it had only three screens. When my date arrived, we agreed to see the other movie showing at that time, Let the Sunshine In, since we were already there. The theater was nice enough to give us a discount for the tickets because we had been there for To Kill a Mockingbird.

Why is Let the Sunshine In a bad first date movie? Juliette Binoche plays a middle-aged divorcee looking for love. That sounds like it could have made for a good date movie. Instead, the movie has Juliette Binoche go from one toxic, unfulfilling relationship to another and includes a lot of graphic, uncomfortable nudity and sex scenes. The movie is an emotional wringer, and by the end, I felt depressed.

Let me emphasize: this is not a commentary on the movie itself or its quality, but I think you can understand why it's not promising first-date material.

Still, in that regard, it's a better choice than the movie my coworker named: Crash. Not the one from 2004 that won best picture. The one from 1996 directed by David Cronenberg.

Even by Cronenberg standards, Crash is...strange. 

There are no phallic tentacles crawling through human orifices, drug-sniffing cockroach-typewriter monstrosities, or twin gynecologists who share patients and women, but it is the story of a group of people who are sexually aroused by car crashes.

Again, I'm not judging the movie or rating it, but the subject matter is a total vibe killer. There probably won't be a second date (although I think I'd be disturbed if my date said Crash got them all hot and bothered). 

What movies have you mistakenly dates on, first or otherwise? Comment below.

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